My Purrfect cats!

First up we have Calypso, as far as Iā€™m concerned this is my first born child. She has helped me through so much in my life and been there for so many milestones. She found me in college at a point in my life when I needed something to be there for me and she has been a fixture in my life ever since! She is the Calico with almost every color a cat can be somewhere on her.

Next we have Tigger, however this was the name given to her before I came to have her. I have been lovingly referring to her as Big Gorl or Sweet Girl depending on whether she is acting hungry or not. She is the big Tabby with the white chest and paws

Last but not least we have Simba, or as I like to call him Bababooey / Baby Boi. He only has two modes, Go Kart Noises and Murder.

Help me spoil them?